Converting isometric coordinates to world coordinates in c++ coco2d-x Example code
Here is a pretty good explanation for how the mapping can be done with basis vectors and your grid's origin: blog/2011/03/27/isometric- coordinate-systems-the-modern- way/
But I realize this might be tricky for some people so here's some sample code I just whipped up that can help you convert the isometric tile coordinates to screen space coordinates:
// create and position your tile map so it is centered in your scene
CCTMXTiledMap* map = CCTMXTiledMap:: tiledMapWithTMXFile("game.tmx" );
CCSize winSize = CCDirector::sharedDirector()-> getWinSize();
map->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.5f, 0.5f));
map->setPosition(ccp(winSize. width/2.0f, winSize.height/2.0f));
// get the spawn object x and y location
// note that I've just added new object properties xVal and yVal to store the
// tile coordinate values as some people are having problems using
// the x,y position values set by default by Tiled Qt.
CCTMXObjectGroup *objectGroup = map->objectGroupNamed(" objectLayer");
CCStringToStringDictionary *dict = objectGroup->objectNamed(" spawnPoint");
float x = ((CCString *) dict->objectForKey(std:: string("xVal")))->toFloat();
float y = ((CCString *) dict->objectForKey(std:: string("yVal")))->toFloat();
// get the tile width and height from the map
CCTMXLayer *tileLayer = map->layerNamed("tileLayer");
float tileWidth = tileLayer->getMapTileSize(). width;
float tileHeight = tileLayer->getMapTileSize(). height;
// calculate the actual point where the 0,0 iso tile lies.
float mapOriginX = map->getPosition().x;
float mapOriginY = map->getPosition().y +
((map->getMapSize().height / 2.0f) * tileHeight);
mapOriginY -= tileHeight/2.0f;
// from this you can easily calculate the screen coordinate of any tile on the
// isometric map. Think of how the x,y screen values change as you move
// across your tile map on either axis.
CCPoint pos = ccp(mapOriginX, mapOriginY);
float halfTileWidth = tileWidth / 2.0f;
float halfTileHeight = tileHeight / 2.0f;
pos.x += (x * halfTileWidth) - (y * halfTileWidth);
pos.y -= (y * halfTileHeight) + (x * halfTileHeight);
Here is a pretty good explanation for how the mapping can be done with basis vectors and your grid's origin:
But I realize this might be tricky for some people so here's some sample code I just whipped up that can help you convert the isometric tile coordinates to screen space coordinates:
// create and position your tile map so it is centered in your scene
CCTMXTiledMap* map = CCTMXTiledMap::
CCSize winSize = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->
map->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.5f, 0.5f));
// get the spawn object x and y location
// note that I've just added new object properties xVal and yVal to store the
// tile coordinate values as some people are having problems using
// the x,y position values set by default by Tiled Qt.
CCTMXObjectGroup *objectGroup = map->objectGroupNamed("
CCStringToStringDictionary *dict = objectGroup->objectNamed("
float x = ((CCString *) dict->objectForKey(std::
float y = ((CCString *) dict->objectForKey(std::
// get the tile width and height from the map
CCTMXLayer *tileLayer = map->layerNamed("tileLayer");
float tileWidth = tileLayer->getMapTileSize().
float tileHeight = tileLayer->getMapTileSize().
// calculate the actual point where the 0,0 iso tile lies.
float mapOriginX = map->getPosition().x;
float mapOriginY = map->getPosition().y +
mapOriginY -= tileHeight/2.0f;
// from this you can easily calculate the screen coordinate of any tile on the
// isometric map. Think of how the x,y screen values change as you move
// across your tile map on either axis.
CCPoint pos = ccp(mapOriginX, mapOriginY);
float halfTileWidth = tileWidth / 2.0f;
float halfTileHeight = tileHeight / 2.0f;
pos.x += (x * halfTileWidth) - (y * halfTileWidth);
pos.y -= (y * halfTileHeight) + (x * halfTileHeight);
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