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Database Question for Exam Preparation Sample SQL Oracle

Database Question for Exam Preparation Online Short Question  Sample SQL Oracle 

  i.            What will be result of these values?                                                             

Select ROUND (45.923, 2), ROUND (45.923, 0), ROUND (45.923,-1), TRUNC (45.923,2), TRUNC (45.923, 0), TRUNC (45.923,-1) from dual;

ii.            1. Create table 1234
     (Empno number);
2. Create Table A1234
(Empno number);

A.    Statement 1 will execute successfully.
B.     Statement 2 will execute successfully.
C.     Both will not execute.
D.    Both will execute successfully.

iii.            What will be the result of these?

Function                                                                Result
CONCAT(‘Good’, ’String’)                     ………………………………….
SUBSTR(‘String’,1,3)                              ………………………………….
LENGTH(‘String’)                                   ………………………………….
INSTR(‘String’,’r’)                                   ………………………………….
LPAD(sal,10,’*’)                                      ………………………………….

iv.            A ………………….. is a query that when run displays its own dialog box prompting you for information

v.            A ………………..is the most common type of query. It retrieves data from one or more tables and displays the results in a datasheet where you can update the records

vi.            An ……………. makes global changes to a group of records in one or more tables.

vii.            You can use an expression preceded by an……….. to set many action arguments.

viii.            Which of the following is a class associated with an entity?

A)Person         B)Place            C)Object                     D)Concept      E)All of the Above

ix.            System…………..   ………… is the process people use to create ……… systems.

x.            Use two properties to link Master Detail Forms ………… and ……………

xi.            List Five Functions you can apply for your data in Access.
……..              ……..              ……..              ……..              …….. 

xii.            Which two operators can be used in an outer join condition? (Choose two.)

A). =                      B). OR                        C). IN                          D). AND

2.                  What are the differences among Transaction Processing Systems, management reporting systems (MIS) and Decision Support Systems provide some examples.             

3.                  Define the following with some examples                                                                

    1. Group functions
    2. Joins and multiple column sub queries
    3. Creating and altering users with some System and Object privileges.
    4. Foreign key and Unique Key Constraints
    5. Altering and Using Simple and Complex Views.

4.                  Contrast the following terms:                                                                                    

Back Office MIS; Front office MIS
Degree; Cardinality
Macro Groups; Modules
Nested Sub Forms; Action Queries
Item; Expression

5.                  What is a Relational database management system? Briefly describe different types of databases                                                                                                              (8)

6.                  A) The entity type student has the following attributes: Name, Address, Phone, Age, Activity and No. of Years. A given student may have more than one value for Activity and No of Years.                                                                                                         (8)

  1. Draw an E-R diagram using a single entity type.
  2. Remove the repeating group from the E-R diagram.

B).  A laboratory has several chemists who work on various projects and who may use certain kinds of equipment on each project. Attributes of chemist include name, and phone no. attributes of project include project id and start date attributes of equipment include number and cost.
(Draw an E-R diagram for that)

7.                  With Reference to your Access Project what kind of reports you need to generate and what type of queries you made up to facilitate users. How can you integrate your System?
Also explain the steps you followed to design user friendly interface of your project. 

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