Sample code on How to Implement stack Class data structure in C++ with Source Code Example?
# include <iostream.h> # include <conio.h> # include <string.h> //template <class type> class stack { private: int* array; int max; int top; public: // function prototypes stack(int maxsize=5); ~stack(); void add(const int&); void del(); bool isfull(); bool isempty(); int* full() ; void empty() ; void stackfull(); void pop(); int pop2(); }; //************function Defintions*****************// //template <class type> stack::stack(int maxsize):max(maxsize),top(0) { array = new int[max] ; } //template <class type> void stack::add(const int &x) { if (isfull()) { stackfull(); } array[top++]=x; } //template <class type> void stack::stackfull() { cout << "\n Data structure full" ; cout << "\n Creating new data structure..." ; int* newarray = new int[2*max]; for (int i=0;i<max;i++) newarray[i]=array[i]; delete[] array ; array = newarray ; cout << "\n New data structure created" ; } //template <class type> void stack::del() { if (isempty()) { cout << "\n Data structure empty; " << "cannot delete" ; } else { --top; } } //template <class type> bool stack::isempty() { if (top==0) return true; return false; } //template <class type> bool stack::isfull() { if (top==(max-1)) return true; return false; } //template <class type> void stack::pop() { cout << endl << array[--top]; } //template <class type> int stack::pop2() { return array[top--] ; } //template<class type> stack::~stack() { delete[] array; } //*****************************************************// //template<class type> class tracker { private: stack record; stack data; public: void pushone() { int a ; cout << "\n Enter data: " ; cin >> a ; data.add(a) ; record.add(0) ; cout << "\n 00000000000000000000000000000" ; } void pushtwo() { int a , b ; cout << "\n Enter data: " ; cin >> a ; data.add(a) ; cout << "\n Enter data: " ; cin >> b ; data.add(b) ; record.add(1) ; cout << "\n 11111111111111111111111111111" ; } void specialpop() { data.pop(); cout << "\n pop" ; if(record.pop2()) { data.pop(); cout << "pop" ; } } }; //*****************************************************// void main() { tracker object1; object1.pushone(); object1.pushone(); object1.pushtwo(); object1.pushone(); object1.pushtwo(); object1.pushone(); object1.pushtwo(); object1.pushtwo(); object1.specialpop(); object1.specialpop(); object1.specialpop(); object1.specialpop(); object1.specialpop(); object1.specialpop(); object1.specialpop(); object1.specialpop(); getch(); }
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