How to implement Single circular Link list in C++ Programming with Example Code?
//INSERTION OF DATA AT BOTTOM IN SINGLE CICULAR LINK LIST// #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class node { public: int data; node *address; }; void main(void) { node *handler=new node(); node *temp1=new node(); node *temp2=new node(); char ch; clrscr(); //////////////////////CREATE LINKLIST WITH QEUEU////////// node *n1=new node(); node *temp=new node(); handler=n1; n1->address=n1; cout<<"INSERT DATA :"; cin>>n1->data; temp=handler; cout<<"To insert more data press Y"<<endl; ch=getch(); while(ch=='y') { node *n1=new node(); cout<<"INSERT DATA :"; cin>>n1->data; n1->address=temp->address; temp->address=n1; temp=n1; cout<<"To insert more data press Y"<<endl; ch=getch(); } /////////////////////////OUTPUT////////////////////// temp1=handler; cout<<endl<<"THE OUTPUT IS"; while(temp1->address!=handler) { cout<<endl; cout<<temp1->data; temp1=temp1->address; } cout<<endl<<temp1->data; //////////INSERTION AT TOP////////////////////////// cout<<endl<<"ENTER DATA TO INSERT:"; cin>>n1->data; cout<<endl<<endl<<"LINK LIST AFTER INSERTION"; temp2=handler; while(temp2->address!=handler) { cout<<endl<<endl; cout<<temp2->data; temp1=temp2->address; } temp2->address=n1->address; temp2->address=n1; getch(); }
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