Battle of Fruits Game Download Coco2d-x Simple Example Game with Tutorial & Source Code Cocos2dx beginner tutorials Game Code Coco2d
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Objective One:
- Game should start with a splash screen presenting the players with two options
- Defence mode: here you will defend against an oncoming wave of ape weapons.
- Attack mode: having completed the defense mode you would like to take the war to apes, you will attack and kill the apes in their own homes.
Defence mode:
Your player
should start at one side of the screen with the enemies on the opposite side of
the screen. The enemies will throw primitive weapons at you (rocks and fruits).
You will control the "y" position of your player (arrow keys). Your
player is equipped with a gun which can only destroy fruits, so you will try
and hit the fruits and blast them, rocks you will have to avoid (or die at α no of bullets). The gun bullets can only travel horizontally
so you will have to make sure that your player is on the same "y"
position as the incoming projectile ( the "y" coordinates of
projectile will vary at random) to hit it.
Attack mode:
After having
completed the defense mode the player should be congratulated and told that he
is about to be taken to attack mode. You should have a first person view of the
scene; in our case it's just loading the sprites in such a way. There will be
bushes, walls, trees in front of the player and random apes will pop out from
behind these obstacles and hide again after a small time interval, you are to
use a crosshair to aim (using mouse) onto a target and fire to kill him.
Features (have to implement):
- Use the animation sprites of tank for firing and play the sound.
- If the bullet hits a target run the explosion animation and sound.
- Display the health bar, you can do this by displaying the health bar border image and on same coordinates display the green bar, when a target is missed the x-length of green image is reduced.
- Keep a scoring, dependant on no of targets hit in first round and apes hit in second round.
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- Add smooth appearing of apes, generate them in a small size behind a bush and increase size over time.
- Add shaking effects on ape when its hit in second round
- Implement multi level difficult apes, e.g. one can die of two bullets while normal ones die of one.
- Switch between red and normal ape when hit before deleting image.
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