How to create Implement DOUBLY linked LIST in C++ Example Code ?
/*CREATION OF DOUBLY LINK LIST AND OUTPUT ON USER'S CHOICE*/ #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class node { public: int data; char name[30]; node *AP; node *AN; }; void main() { node *hand1=new node(); node *hand2=new node(); node *temp=new node(); char choice='y'; clrscr(); //////////////////////CREATE LINKLIST WITH QEUEU////////// node *n1=new node(); n1->AP=NULL; n1->AN=NULL; cout<<"INSERT DATA :"; cin>>n1->data; hand1=n1; hand2=n1; cout<<"You want to insert more Data y/n ?\n"; choice=getch(); while(choice=='y') { node *n1=new node(); cout<<"INSERT DATA :"; cin>>n1->data; n1->AP=hand2; n1->AN=NULL; hand2->AN=n1; hand2=n1; cout<<"You want to insert more Data y/n ?\n"; choice=getch(); } /////////////////////////////////Output///////////////////// temp=hand2; cout<<endl<<endl<<"OUTPUT IS"; while(temp) { cout<<endl; cout<<temp->data; temp=temp->AP; } getch(); }
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