tic-tac-toe game Practice Question for C++ and Java Example For Exam and Assignment
You will create a program to read the state of a
tic-tac-toe game board from a file and determine whether there is a winner or
not. Tic-tac-toe is a game played on a 3x3 grid. There are two players X and O
(it's the letter O, not the number 0) each of which take turns putting their
symbol in one of the cells. The first player to fill a column, row or diagonal
with their symbol wins the game. The input file can contain multiple games for
which you have to find winners. You will write the results to a file called
“results.txt”. If there is a winner, say O, you output “O wins”. If there is no
winner, you will simple output “Draw”.
When testing the 3x3 game board for a win, you can
theoretically test the rows and column in any order. But practically, we are
going to tell you how to do it. The order you need to follow is,
Check rows for a win, starting from the top row
Check columns for a win, starting from the
left-most column
Check the major diagonal for a win
Check the minor diagonal for a win
The format of the input file is very simple. The first 3
lines will contain the first game board state, followed by a blank line and
another game board state and so on an so forth. Basically, each game board
state is separated by a blank line. Your program will stop taking the input if
you find the letter 'q' instead of an empty line after reading a game board
state. You can assume that the input file will have no errors in it. Suppose
you are given an input file containing the following configurations.
Your program should write the following output to
X wins
O wins
Notice that the program did not give any output for the
third game board state in the input file. This is because after reading the
second game board state, the program finds a 'q' instead of a blank line and
this causes it to terminate. If there was a 'q' after the third state, the
output would be,
X wins
O wins
A sample input file will be provided to you. If you don't
have it, please ask for it.
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