Circus Valley Game Code
we have to
create a sling shot thrower that will throw one projectile at a time on to the
stage, the goal is to make Clown fall(remember angry birds). The projectile will
move under the force of gravity and sling force and land among the stage objects. There will be a number of object types (explained later). We will detect projectile to object, projectile to screen boundary, object to screen boundary, object to object and everything to Clown collision.
Game Mechanics:
Game Mechanics:
We want to have
different objects and implement different properties for each object. These
will be friction, mass, breaking thresh hold values, restitution and any other
properties that you would like to add.
Thresh hold value,
for the scope of this game thresh
hold value means a fixed value of force applied on an object in case of
collision with another object. It depends on the current momentum (mass x velocity) of current object and the colliding
object. They can be Ballon: 1x, Wood: 3x, Stone 10x, where x is some value that
you choose for your ballon.
To make the game
more interesting we want the objects to have different behaviors, for each
object you have to define three force thresholds, a) move, b) partial destroy
and c) destroy. If the force is within move threshold, the object will only
move or topple, if the force applied is between move and partial destroy
threshold, the object will have cracks appear on it, and finally if the force
is larger than destroy threshold the object will we destroyed. Details given
clown, for simplicity you can use a rectangular bounding box around him, to
make things interesting you can use a large restitution value for Clown so that
it will be difficult to topple him over.
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Features (have to implement):
· Projectile
will move when mouse is clicked, dragged and released. Its velocity and
movement angle will depend on the position difference from its initial position;
you have to implement a restriction on distance it can be displaced with mouse
· Projectile will
collide with objects; if the collision velocity is within thresh hold of the
specific object it will move, for objects resting over another object it will
topple over. If the velocity is over the thresh hold value the object will be
· Objects of
different nature will have different properties eg the balloon can have
negative mass, allow it to go against gravity.
Scoring should be done on number of objects
moved + number of objects destroyedSource Code Download
References :
- How To Make a Catapult Shooting Game with Cocos2D-X and Box2D :
- Ray`s blog :
Cannot get your game to work in IOS. What version of Cocos2d-x you are using?