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Practice Question Programs for Java Final Exam Quiz Assignment Preparation

Download sample Practice Question Programs for Java Final Exam Midterm Exam Quiz Assignment Preparation questions and exercises for Java Programmers basic java practice programs practise programs java you solve this question and send comments on page you also share more java sample programs for practice java practice programs for beginners

1. Write a java program using Swing UI that take student information from JFrame and save all the information in Database Student Table.
Note: Assume 5 to 10 student information. All code must be written manually without Netbean.

2. Create a Login Form in Java program using Swing UI that take Username or password from user check it is correct or not but all the username or password save in database in Login Table.

Note: All code must be written manually without Netbean.

3. What are differences between Swing and AWT? Explain with Example.

4. Write a Java Graphics program that read Student information from file and print the student information in given format all Pass student in green color and fail student in red color using drawString() in Graphics .
Student Information in File
Output Information shown in JPanel/JFrame
Usman Pass
Ali Pass
Waqar Fail

5. Write a Java Program that read list of country in file and display all information in JComboBox.

6. Write a Java Program that read all the Employee information like ( First Name, Last Name, Gender, Education, Date of Birth ,Salary) from Java client Application and send this information to the Server Application and server shows the total number employees they have.
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