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Karachi Matric board extends deadline to submit forms

The Board of Secondary Education Karachi (BSEK) has decided to extend the deadline for submitting examination forms for Class 10 in both the Science and General groups (Regular and Private) for the year 2024.

BSEK Chairman Syed Sharaf Ali Shah said on Monday that the new deadline to submit forms without a late fee was March 15. This extension applies to both regular and private students.

He clarified that government schools were exempted from any fees associated with submitting examination forms. He urged students to submit their forms before the deadline to avoid late fees.

According to the BSEK, the late fee schedule is as follows: From March 18 to March 21, Rs200; from March 22 to March 27, Rs500; from March 28 to April 2, Rs800; from April 3 to April 8, Rs1,200; from April 9 to April 12, Rs 1,500; from April 15 to April 18, Rs1,800; and after April 18, Rs2,500. 

Karachi Matric board extends deadline to submit forms

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